

Deep in the tropical jungle, tucked away, high in the treeline, hanging upside down. Munching on leaves and permeating every tree, 5555 Summer Sloths strive to become the dominant species of the land. In solitude, interacting only to mate with another, the Sloths are here to save Solana summer.


Take note of how the sloths sustain their lifestyle of obsessively chomping away. With no friends to play with, and minimal mates to interact with, they choose to bond only with the environment they survive in. Constantly exploring and growing their ecosystem, they move only with the highest efficeieny. Forming an elite group of sloths, the SLOTH DAO, utilizing $SLOW, they are armed with the tools to truly conquer the jungles.


The TREES contribute to the Summer Sloths growth, and provide them with the strength needed to flourish. It is not a task for the weak; it demands vigorious dedication to keep up with the Summer Sloth lifestyle. TREES keep them at the top of their ecosystem... what mysterious things will they discover along their journey?

Mint date TBA.